Beyond technique, CAVEART focuses on elevating students' artistic vision.



英语, 西班牙语教学

雕塑, 装置, 3D动画, VR技术, 工艺制作, 建筑, 装置艺术 方向

马德里理工大学Josisemaria de lapuerta教授助教,Burgos的IFAC国际艺术与建筑节工作坊导师,东京家本实验室编辑协助,毕业于马德里理工大学、东京工业大学、伦敦大学金匠学院,作为Walmer Yard小组成员参与设计2019年伦敦奥运会2016.5-2019.12年作为奥拉维尔·埃利亚松的工作室参与设计和开发,并曾设计研究工作于东京、比利时智利、瑞士、马德里等地的艺术展馆、博物馆,并在英国、德国、希腊、西班牙、日本等多地进行展览,有多年申请欧美作品集经验...


Master of Fine Art // September 2022.
Goldsmiths University of London.
Master of Architecture and Urbanisms // January 2016.
Polytechnic University of Madrid. ETSAM-UPM. Graduated with Honors.
Young Scientist Exchange Program // 2013-2014
Tokyo Institute of Technology. TOKODAl, Japan.
Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanisms // June 2013.
Polytechnic University of Madrid. ETSAM-UPM.
3D animation workshop (Cinema 4D) // April 2019. La Casa Encendida. Madrid.
Augmented and Virtual Reality workshop (XR) // June 2019. La Casa Encendida. Madrid.
Grants,Scholarships and Residencies
Fellowship for Posgraduate Studies – MFA Goldsmiths University of London. 2020. La Caixa Foundation.
[Finalist]_International Artist Residency at The Courthouse Gallery & Studios. 2019. Ennistymon, Ireland.
[Finalist]_Artist in Residence Studio das weisse haus. 2019. Vienna, Austria
[Finalist]_Studio Residency Bibliothek Andreas Zust. 2019. Oberegg, Switzerland.
PYMES Grant. 2015. Santander Bank.
International Mobility Scholarship MEXT.2013. Government of Japan.
National Mobility Scholarship. SICUE. 2010. Ministry of National Education.
Regional Mobility Scholarship. 2007-2009. Government of the Canary Islands.
Teaching, artist talks and editorial practice
Panel participant in The Lesser Senses at Walmer Yard. London 2019.
Teacher assistant at ETSAM-Polytechnic University of Madrid, 2016.
[Professor: Jose Maria de Lapuerta]
Workshop tutor at International Festival of Art and Construction. IFAC. Burgos 2013.
Editorial assistance at Tsukamoto Laboratory, Tokyo 2013.


Atelier Bow-Wow. Tokyo 2014.
Pavilion for the Bruges Triennial 2015.
Ochoquebradas house, Chile.
Stadtstiick in Schlieren Competition, Switzerland.
Manuel Ocana Architecture and Thought Production Offce. Madrid, 2014-2015.
Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition.
Ruiz Larrea & Asociados. Madrid, June – July 2019.
Prehistory and Archaeology Museum of Cantabria MUPAC.
Art and research
Collaboration with Taller de Casqueria, Madrid. May 2015.
Design and production of the exhibition CINECITTA OCUPATTA
Design and development at Studio Olafur Eliasson. May 2016 to December 2019.
AMPC, Quay Quarter Sydney, Australia.
“Tidscirkler’, Sonderborg, Denmark.
“OE 900 lamp’, Louis Poulsen.
“Ice Watch’,London, UK.
How to build a sphere out of Cubes, Texas A&M University, USA.
Seeing the unseen’, Takenaka Corporation, Japan.
Northwest Passage”,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
“The planet spins despite me stopping’ for Bill Ford, USA.
Permanent light installation for Arc de Triomphe, Paris 2020, France.
Collaboration with MADFaber, Madrid. September – November. 2019.
Design and art production for Cyril de Commarque at Saatchi Gallery, London, UK.
Art production for Elena del Rivero at Matadero, Madrid, Spain.


2023 Solo show // Xxijrahii gallery. London.
2023 Group show // THAW // St. Chads project space. London.
2022 Group show // MFA Degree Show // Laurie Grove Baths_Goldsmiths University of London.
2022 Group show // Ghost Show // Copeland Park. London. Curated by Kavitha Balashingham and Rory Beard.
2022 Group show // 3DCXP // Rosa Stern Space. Munich. Curated by Ivo Rick.
2022 Group show // Ancient Mew // Whitgift centre [Conditions Studio Programme] London. Curated by Theo Ellison and Joe Moss.
2022 Group show // Prelude to Space // 147 Stoke Newington High Street. London.
2022 Group show // At the edge of safehouse // 139 Copeland Rd. London.
2022 Group show // Microsculpture Art Fair // Goldsmiths University of London.
2021 Solo show // As a blessing with no curse // ZULO gallery. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
2021 Group show // Ghost Show // hARTslane gallery. London.
2021 Group show // OOPS! Something went wrong // Dray Walk gallery. London. Curated by Gonzalo Herrero Delicado and Mathilde Friis.
2020 Group show // Technotribalism // Athens Digital Arts Festival. Athens.
2019 Solo show // Espacio Pilarica 81. Madrid.
2019 Solo show // MRM Studio. Madrid.
2019 Group show // Obra Abierta // Plasencia. International Prize of Visual Arts. Selected by: Rosina Gomez-Baeza, Daniel Castillejo, director of Artium; Jose. Miguel Garcia Cortes, director ofIVAM and Ferran Barenblit, director of MACBA.
2014 Group show // Windowscape // Tokyo Midtown Building and AIR 333I Museum. Tokyo.
2013 Group show // ETSAM / UPM_Unidad Docente Inaki Abalos. Madrid.
2012 Group show // ETSAM /UPM_Unidad Docente Federico Soriano. Madrid.
2010 Group show // Laboratorio Gran Via // Curated by [naki Abalos. Madrid.


2023 Group show // Futuristic Nostalgia // The Crypt Gallery. London.

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Much like the intricate details in Chinese art, our commitment at CAVEART
